Member Savings

Member savings account for Houston, Memphis and Tupelo.

Our straightforward Members Savings account makes it easy to set aside for that special something or grow your rainy day fund, while benefiting from competitive dividends. But that's just the beginning.

By maintaining as little as $5 in your account, you're also maintaining your membership with us at FAA FCU. Member Savings opens the door to all the value-added services that as a member-oriented, nonprofit institution, we strive to provide our members.

Savings Calculator

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  • Basic savings account that establishes and maintains your membership with FAA FCU
  • Set aside in any amount for something specific or simply a rainy day
  • Competitive dividends on all balances of $5 or more
  • No monthly service fee
  • Free online banking
  • Free mobile banking
  • Free eStatements
  • $5 minimum deposit to open and to maintain membership